
Domain Name

Your domain name needs to be suitable for your business. If you don't already have a domain name, you can get one right now.
If you don't want to deal with it, we can do the domain name purchase for you. Let's check if the domain name you want has been taken by others or is currently in use.

Preferred 4 pages on websites
  • Home Page
  • About
  • Products and Services
  • Contact Us

1. Home Page

On your homepage, you need to have the information that your visitors need to decide whether they want to do business with you. Who are you? What do you do / sell? Why should I trust you? How can I reach you?

• Describe your business with a short sentence
    • Quality comes first for us
    • So that Everyone can buy in our country
    • Our success is in the value we give to the customer
    • Describe your business and why it is good in a few sentences.

• Calls to action
  What is the most important thing you want your visitors to do before they leave your website? Be clear and tell them what you want them to do
  Here are some inspirational ideas you can ask your customers to do:
    • Calls for quotation
    • Calls for reservation
    • Watching your introductory video
    • Calls for lecture registration
    • Sending e-mail
Whatever your business is, you should have a call to action on your homepage to encourage visitors to take action

Primary contact information
On your homepage, keep the primary contact information for your customers to reach you, usually your phone number. Your "Contact Us" page can include various ways to contact you.

Products and Services section
Have a short list of your products and services or photos on the homepage, then link to your Products / Services page so your visitors can view them all.
  For example, some services you can list:
    • Expert in residential window replacement
    • Double pane the windows.
    • Custom showers and mirrors
    • Glass shelves and table tops
    • and much more…
You don't need to write detailed descriptions here. To make it easier for your visitors to be sure that they are coming to the right place, just provide brief information about the services you offer.

2. About

You can tell your business story in detail on the About Us page.   You can add to your About Us page:
    • Photos of you and your employees
    • A biography about your expertise
    • Awards received by your company or products
    • A customer review

3. Products ans Services

Don't forget to include the features of your products and services, as well as their benefits. Make a detailed list of everything you offer and be sure to highlight how each product can offer a solution for your potential customers.

4. Contact Us

A well-designed, easy-to-find Contact page is a must. After all, he's your best salesperson. Your customers can always go to your Contact page and find key information about your business - opening hours, location, contact information. That's why it's important to have a good Contact page.
  Don't forget to include the following when planning the content of your contact page:
    • Phone Number
    • Working hours
    • Address
    • E-mail